What is The Recommended Setting for My Thermostat?
, by Thrive Agency, 5 min reading time
, by Thrive Agency, 5 min reading time
Homeowners and businesses often look for ways to save on their monthly power bills. One of the best ways to get those savings is to use the recommended settings for your thermostat. Using the optimal thermostat setting for your home or business can significantly improve the energy efficiency in your premises and reduce your utility bills.
You can gain substantial savings when you set your thermostat to the appropriate temperature at home, away, and according to the season. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, if consumers adjust their temperature from 7° F to 10 °F for at least eight hours a day, it can lead to a 10% savings annually.
You should change your thermostat setting depending on the season. The A.C. should run colder during the summer months. However, during the winter, expect to use your heater more. The goal is to maintain the ideal temperature so your heating and cooling systems provide a comfortable indoor environment.
You should adjust the thermostat temperature according to your preferences, habits, and outdoor temperature. If your thermostat is equipped with an eco-boost feature, you can use it to reduce the energy consumption of your HVAC system. Another useful feature you can try is the custom settings in your thermostat, which can personalize the settings based on your schedule, energy-saving goals, and preferences.
Adjusting to the ideal temperature during the spring and fall seasons can be challenging due to unpredictable weather conditions. There will be days when you’ll find large temperature swings, but everything can be stable on other days.
If you have a programmable thermostat, it is recommended that you set an upper and lower limit to the indoor temperature. In contrast, you only need to set a higher limit for your A.C. during summer and a lower limit for your heater in winter.
Here are the recommended settings for warmer days:
On the other hand, use the following settings during the colder days in spring and fall:
Using these settings for spring and fall can help reduce your energy bills. You can place your thermostat on auto mode, but you may have to specify a deadband, the temperature higher or lower, where the HVAC doesn’t run.
As mentioned earlier, property owners and managers need to adjust the thermostat setting depending on the time of the year. It’s also easier to get the ideal temperature during summer and winter. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting thermostats to 78° F during summer when the weather is hot.
This temperature can make your home feel warmer than usual, but it will help reduce your monthly bills. It is important to note that adjusting your thermostat around this temperature is recommended when people are inside your home or office.
However, when there’s no one occupying indoor spaces, it is recommended that you raise this temperature a bit higher, especially if you are staying outside for four hours or longer.
The ideal temperature for your A.C., when you’re outside for several hours, is around 85° to 88° F. Authorities estimate that for every degree higher you adjust your thermostat, over 78° F in the warmer months could save you 6% to 8% of your energy bill.
As winter approaches, you are expected to use your heater more during the colder months. Experts recommend that the thermostat setting be adjusted to around 68 °F. Adults, children, and pets can remain comfortable at this level. Make sure to dress in warm clothing with that thermostat setting.
When you go to bed, you can lower this temperature to around the 63° to 65° F range. In winter, you can save up to 15% of your energy bills by reducing the thermostat settings by 10° to 15° F.
Adjust your thermostat to the following temperatures when you go to sleep at night:
Some thermostats and HVAC systems are equipped with eco features, which helps to reduce energy consumption. These settings can reduce the compressor capacity in some A.C. systems, equating to more savings.
Installing a smart thermostat allows you to adjust the settings easily. Some support temperature zoning, enabling you to control the temperatures in various parts of your home. Some smart thermostats have geofencing, automatically adjusting the temperature when you leave or come home.
Do you need help choosing compatible thermostats that can help reduce your energy bills? Shop for wireless thermostats on Value Controls or call us at 1-800-584-9901, and our specialists will be happy to assist you.